Cold Steel’s Gurkha Kukri was inspired by Cold Steel President, Lynn C. Thompson's close association with Dr. Maung Gyi, chief instructor of the American Bando Association - and it still bears their insignia to this day. Gaining notoriety as the infamous fighting knife of the Gurkhas, the Kukri remains a popular blade with Military and Special Units all over the world.As a survival tool, a bush-craft blade and as a tactical knife it’s hard to beat. Easily doing the work of a hatchet, machete, or axe, and in our tests it even out-cut most swords! The Kukri’s specially designed Kray-Ex handle is perfectly contoured and deeply checkered, offering a superb non-slip grip - even when your hand is cold or wet - while cushioning your hand from the shock of even the hardest chopping stroke. Each Gurkha Kukri is supplied with our military style Secure-Ex sheath allowing you to wear it safely and securely in a variety of configurations to suit any situation.
Weight: 22 oz.
Overall: 17"
Thickness: 5/16"
Blade Length: 12
Handle: 5" Long Kray-Ex
Steel / Material: O-1 High Carbon
Additional Feature: Secure-Ex Sheath