We offer training knives from brands like CRKT, Golden Plaza Distributors, KA-BAR and Spyderco in materials like steel, rubber, and wood. We offer training knives in various shapes, materials, finishes, and sizes to suit your needs. Our training knives come in sturdy shapes with pliable edges so that they can be used for training purpose i.e. you can practice your moves and improve your skills. You can use these training knives for solo practice, training drills, disarm drills, and demonstrations.
These training knives are designed to duplicate the features of most popular knives so that you get the complete feel while you practice. If you are into Martial Arts, our fixed blade training knives for sale are just perfect. These knifes can easily be used to simulate the knife attacks without any risk. Also, some of these knives have chalked sides to determine your points earned during a practice combat. We ship these knives all across Canada and United States. All our knives come with lifetime warranty.