In many ways, the Cold Steel Hold Out series are ideal “EDC” or every day carry knives - providing the comfort and peace of mind that comes from carrying a high performance folder but in an astoundingly lightweight and easy to carry package. Their beautiful satin polished American CTS XHP steel blades are extremely functional. They are flat ground from the spine, with a shallow “V” cross-section culminating in a razor sharp hand-honed edge. Continuously curved from the heel to the needle-sharp tip, the blades cut and shear through tough, fibrous material with ease and makes short work of daily tasks and cutting chores. Available in three sizes, the Hold Outs are incredibly thin and flat, with an ambidextrous pocket clip designed for deep carry. Even the largest of the Hold Out series is easily and comfortably concealed in a pocket, clipped into a waistband or tucked into a boot.