Everything about the Rapid Strike makes it an excellent combatives blade. The cutting edge is long enough for good slashing cuts and thrusts. It can be single or double-edged to meet legal requirements or be even more dangerous. The G10 handle is strong and grippy and combined with the recessed jimping that goes all the way around the handle, it’s easy to keep it in your hand when you need it the most. The sheath was designed to allow for a combat grip straight out of the sheath (meaning the hand doesn’t have to be readjusted to grip the handle properly after it’s removed from the sheath). The thin blade material and narrow profile take up little space on a belt, on a vest, in a boot, or wherever else you choose to carry it. 154CM stainless steel was chosen to provide a strong blade with little maintenance needed to keep it clean and sharp.
So whether you’re deployed to one of the current hot spots around the world, serving and protecting in your neighborhood, or just a prepared citizen who wants something to help get you home safe, the Rapid Strike is perfect for you. Plus it makes a great steak knife too.